C is for Church, and Chad Daybell.
C is for church, and Chad Daybell. Ok, there’s a reason why I switched these around lol. I’m going to church tonight for Bible study, so I thought I would write about my church. Chad Daybell is a case I’m currently following, the Husband of Lori Vallow. I attend a FourSquare church here in my local area. I have since 2007. For about the first 8 months of me going to the church, quite a few people wanted to pray for my healing. I can’t say it hasn’t happened after that, just not constantly, every Sunday. Recently, well since 2022, I faced issues getting rides to church functions. Thankfully, I was able to work that issue out, a couple weeks ago, but the small group I’m in probably won’t be around much longer. It’s the Pastor, and his wife’s home group. I’m going to Bible study on Wednesday nights, but it’s a timed one, and will end at the beginning of June. Our church used to have a bus, but we stopped when we didn’t have enough people to provide rides to. Apparently I’m the only one that needs consistent church transportation on a regular basis. I doubt I’m actually the only one now though. We’re having a women’s dinner coming up Friday. I’m glad, because we’ve just started holding ladies events a few months ago. C is also for Chad Daybell. Chad Daybell is Lori Vallow’s husband. Vallow was convicted last year of the 1st degree murder of her children, and conspiracy to commit the murder of Chad’s former wife, Tammi Daybell. Daybell’s trial has started this week. Originally these cases were to be joined, but then the judge granted Daybell’s defence attorney’s motion to sever. [https://www.idahostatesman.com/news/local/crime/article272671803.html] Judge Boyce also changed his mind, and allowed the entire proceeding to be live streamed, after not allowing this for Lori’s trial. [https://www.ksl.com/article/50803417/judge-will-allow-livestreaming-of-chad-daybells-trial-rules-on-other-motions] The short explanation, is because Judge John Judge in the kohberger case allowed court controled live streaming. Judge Boyce did the same thing. Media cameras are not allowed, and it will all be controled by the court. [https://lawandcrime.com/live-trials/idaho-four/it-is-the-intense-focus-idaho-murders-judge-issues-key-ruling-on-livestream-of-bryan-kohbergers-trial-cites-lori-vallow-case-to-take-control-over-what-is-being-videoed/]