: I found out what happened to former President Trump last night around 9. I’m glad he’s …

: Links and things from the SaiPan hearing. Since I was behind on everything that went on over the two days while I was trying to catch up on …

: Listening to Randy Credico’s show Julian #assange, Countdown to Freedom. I’m going to be …

: Linking to the #Assange freedom flight stream, hosted by WIkileak’s editor. …

: The day we always wanted to happen has finally come!+ The world failed to reach me for the past two days. Yes, I caught up at 12:00 pacific this morning. …

: Yesterday's anniversary. Yesterday was June 12th, the thirtieth anniversary of Nicole Brown Simpson, and Ron Goldman’s …

: Julian #Assange was granted appeal on grounds related to the first amendment and free expression!! I …

: Julian Assange has his final extradition hearing in London tonight/tomorrow morning. Despite having …

: O is for OJ Simpson. O is for OJ Simpson. Well… so after last week, I decided to put this in. Simpson was my first …

: N is for names. N is for names. Or more aptly, the name change process, I suppose. I’ll be talking about names …

: M is for Mastodon, Memes. M is for Mastodon, and Memes. Mastodon is a decentralized and fedderated social media protocol, for …

: L is for four things. L is for well… uh… long post! This is going to be pretty long, because I have four …

: K is for Kung Pao Shrimp. K is for Kung Pao Shrimp. I got to K, and could only think of my mom’s name to talk about. A …

: J is for joyful, and jurnaling. J is for joyful, and journaling. I consider myself to be a ffairly joyful person most of the time. …

: I is for internet, and Indieweb. I is for internet, and Indieweb. Why both of those things? because after all these years I still …

: H is for headaches, Hope. H is for one not-so-nice thing, and one very nice thing. Headaches and Hope. Unfortunately I have …

: G is for Girl Scouts, Gymnastics. G is for Girl Scouts, Gymnastics. Why both of those very random things? Well I think I was mostly …

: F is for figure skating, flying, and food. F is for Figure Skating, Flying, and Food. OK OK probably food first. Although I enjoy flying more …

: E is for epic! Before I go celebrate my niece’s birthday, I thought I would write my A to Z post. Today is my …

: Catching up with letter D. First, yeah I missed my A to Z post yesterday. I had Botox for my Migrains, and as I result I was …

: C is for Church, and Chad Daybell. C is for church, and Chad Daybell. Ok, there’s a reason why I switched these around lol. …

: B is for blindness and social media in 2024. B is for blindness and social media in 2024. I was going to write about a couple other things, but I …

: April a To Z challenge, A is for Adventure, and Antipentrap. Today is the first day of the April A to Z challenge. I picked two things for A. A is for …

: April A to Z quick introduction. I just wanted to post something quick about where I’ll be during my April A to Z challenge. …

: I missed a hearing this morning, here's what happened. Today, Julian #Assange was granted partial permission to appeal. …

: Finally getting to the Assange hearing. This is just the first part. I have more. Right now I’m having computer audio issues though. I …

: Yeah, I'm going to finish the Julian Assange hearing posts. Yeah, I got distracted, and failed to finish the #Assange hearing post. It’s probably going to …

: Things coming up here. I just came here to say that on April 1st, I’ll be starting the Blogging from A to Z …

: I’m still writing from the last couple days. It’s taken me some time, because I had …

: Just ordered like a lot of girl scout cookies! If you want to do this too, you can go to this link: …

: X/Twitter has killed Nitter. …

: I just got done following the second day of Julian #Assange’s extradition hearing. I did a …

: Yes, Google has been killing the web for a while now with it’s absolutely detrimental pagerank …

: Good morning everyone. In case anyone’s up right now lol, I’m up to follow Julian …

: Preparing for Julian Assange's final extradition hearing. I’m preparing to follow what will be most likely the final #Julian Assange extradition hearing …

: So I decided to order McDonalds breakfast VIA Doordash, something I do fairly regularly. I ordered …

: The Webaim screen reader user survey. If anyone wants to participate in the tenth edition of the Webaim screen reader user survey, whether …

: OK I did a big woopsies for quite a few years!! When I changed email addresses in 2020, I changed …

: In response to Chrome disabling uBlock Origin in June 2024, this will be an issue for me. A major one. Google has been trying to stop Youtube users from running …

: I won my hearing! I found out today that I won my administrative hearing! I couldn’t believe it. I never …

: Strange legal cases from really strange places!! Over the weekend I’ve been watching the US Figure Skating Championships. I do this with …

: Events of yesterday. My hearing was yesterday. It went about as well as I would expect, given that I had absolutely no …

: Today's the day I face an administrative judge. Well, we’ve managed to flip another page in the calendar, and it’s January 9th. …

: Hope everyone has a Merry Christmas! I’ll be going to my family’s later to celebrate.

: Sharing my full 37c3 lecture schedule. This year, #37c3 is happening yay! I was sort of streaming in 2020 and 2021, when they did the …

: Well, I’m glad the state finally decided to extend my benefits, yay for that! Unfortunately …

: Preparing for full hearing. I’m going about preparing for a case. My hearing is scheduled for January 9th. However, no one …

: hope everyone is having a happy Thanksgiving! Today, my plans are to go to my Aunt and …

: Yesterday I went to the state’s aging and people with disabilities office to file my appeal. …

: The state’s lead worker who did my assessment called me on Wednesday. She told me they were …

: #Readathon is on hour 21! I can’t believe I got through four books that fast. Well I did. I …

: The epic book I'm reading now! .I’m about a hundred pages from finishing Claim of Privilege, which is about a military …

: .I’ve just finished book number 3. This one by Dr. Michael Heiser. …

: Just finished the book about leaving mormonism and becoming a Christian. Now on to one written by a …

: Event survey. Let’s do a quick survey, normally there’s an opening event survey, but I didn’t …

: Well, it’s nearly 5:00 here, and will be time to start #readathon ! My first book will be one …

: #Readathon is coming up Saturday. I didn’t find the sign up page for it, but I’m still …

: Oh yeah, and I’m going to participate in Readathon this weekend, if it’s still …

: Apartment maintanence man issues. For a long time, I suspected that the maintanence man that works for my apartment complex did not …

: This week's events. This week, my new caregiver and I went grocery shopping. We also did my filing that never got done …

: Last Thursday, and today. On thursday I had my first shift with a new caregiver. She’s been really good! We just …

: Explaining my lack of posting status. My current caregiver and I had a back-and-forth last Thursday over what she considers to be me …

: My caregiver called out sick yesterday and today, so I’m having a case manager from the agency …

: Last week, I did the thing I’ve been needing to do for almost the last year, I bought a new …

: The parachute's name was Dave. No, I have no idea why Dave. That’s just what my instructor said that particular …

: I leave here in a few hours to go skydiving!! I’m definitely looking forward to doing …

: Using chat GPT for accessibility and document formatting. A couple weeks ago all 6 weeks of the Depp V heard transcripts were unsealed. This includes all the …

: My caregiver told me that she was leaving on a week long trip a couple days ago. She won’t be …

: I had an epic time at the fair today! I’m pretty sure that we went on almost every ride there …

: I’ll be going to the fair today. Something I haven’t done in like 10 years. My …

: This article actually made me really realize I’m 21 days from turning 40. I’ve followed …

: We floated the river yesterday. Yesterday was a lot of fun. In the end we didn’t start until 4, because my caregiver forgot to …

: Lori Vallow's full sentence. Also, here’s some of the judge’s presentencing statement. I didn’t capture the …

: Should probably explain what fixed and indeterminant are. Idaho doesn’t have LWOP sentencing, …

: Defense asks for 20 years fixed, with indeterminant term of life.

: We’re taking a 30 minute recess, and then the defense will allocute on behalf of their client.

: He just asked for $50000 for each count, restitution for social security in the amount of $22000 as …

: Requested sentencing recommendations, as per Rob Wood, of the State. 1. Count 1, the conspiracy to …

: Lori Vallow is being sentenced today for the conviction on the 1st degree murder charges for her …

: Birthday party We had my niece’s 3rd birthday party today. It went pretty well. I had to figure out why my …

: Blogging 20 years. I started blogging 20 years ago today. I’ve been through a whole lot of blogs, and blog …

: The most ridiculous statement ever! I was talking to mom on the phone .., and she told me they were reserving a family vacation to …

: My Fourth of July. Yesterday I went out of town with my caregiver to go shopping for coffee syrup of all things. We …

: Just back from church. I’ll be attending a Father’s day celebration for my dad later. …

: Well I have a busy weekend ahead, starting today. It’s my sister’s birthday, and …

: I knew that something around this time was familiar. Turns out it’s 10 years since the Snowden …

: My caregiver is going on vacation for almost a week. We did a whole lot of cooking in preparation …

: Mother's day. Yesterday I went to my sister’s for Mother’s day dinner. My nearly 3 year old niece was …

: Happy Mother’s day to everyone! I had planned to go to church this morning, and then celebrate …

: Yesterday my caregiver and I had a busy day. We went to the park and swung on the swings, of all …

: On April 11th, 2019, Julian #Assange was arrested. Today is the fourth anniversary of the day I woke …

: Well I’m just going to have to find these things earlier, or it’s going to be a long 10 …

: Not sure how she does it, but she managed to live tweet and transcribe most everything at the same …

: Yeah, since the judge pulled the plug on live streaming in Vallow, we now have to deal with live …

: Openings today in the Lori Vallow trial. Just in case you don’t remember, her kids went …

: Good morning and, happy Easter. I’ll be going to church, and then celebrating with family.

: Yesterday was my older niece’s 11th birthday. We went out to dinner last night to celebrate. …

: Yesterday I had my follow-up doctor’s appointment. The doctor wasn’t sure if I was …

: Today I have a doctor’s appointment. It’s one of those after hospitalization follow-up …

: Good things for the week. I haven’t done #3goodthings in a while. I don’t like the way micro.blog formats them, …

: I got sick on Wednesday. Woke up with a temperature of 101. Ended up throwing up that night and the …

: Pictures from last Tuesday. OK so I finally got the pictures from last week out of my caregiver’s phone. well, she sent …

: RSS reader questions. Can anyone recommend me an RSS reader that doesn’t limit feed items? I was using a Miniflux …

: My case ended today. This morning Alex Murdaugh was sentenced to two consecutive life sentences for the murders of his …

: The jury in SC V. Murdaugh reached a verdict a couple hours ago, after deliberating just 2 hours and …

: The jury is viewing the scene in SC V Murdaugh. The defense requested this on Monday. Closings will …

: Tomorrow will be closing arguments in the case I’m following, SC V Murdaugh. Let’s see …

: Well I’ve been up since like 4 this morning. Had coffee already. Went to bed fairly early last …

: 3 Good Things February 24th. OK, I finally got over here to post 3 good things. Did it on the Mastodon instance I’m …

: Well, I did get up for the start of the case. Had coffee already. Just have had a headache all …

: OK, I posted #3goodthings over on Mastodon, but almost forgot to post them here. 1. Morning coffee. …

: Well, yesterday I started the 40 days of Lent by giving up candy. My church does not participate in …

: Everyone in the Fediverse seems to be stuck in 2020. It’s 2023 now!!

: I finally picked a Mastodon instance! If anyone wants to follow me, I’m ladyhope@mstdn.social. …

: Alex Murdaugh is on the stand. We’re in a break, he’s under direct by his defense …

: Well I got up a little later than I expected. Alex Murdaugh is going to be testifying for himself …

: Everyone on Mastodon, I have yet to pick an instance. Any recommendations? Twitter says …

: Cathy Russon, the producer of Law and Crime Network, the pool network operator of the Murdaugh case, …

: Good morning everyone. I’m up early because I went to bed really, really early lol. I’m …

: Well, I'm back. well, I’m back here on micro.blog. My host is in the process of shutting down it’s …

: Pretty soon, this is going to be a Known instance. I’m sending domains over to the same …

: I’m beginning to think Kill the Newsletter isn’t a great solution for converting …

: No, Google is not actually bringing back reader!! [https://9to5google.com/2021/05/19/chrome-follow-rss-feed/[https://9to5google.com/2021/05/19/chrome- …

: Wow, my router was giving me extreme fits a little bit ago. I couldn’t connect to the …

: About my Miniflux instance. I’m having a service called cloudblast manage it for me. No, I have no affiliation with the …

: This is pretty epic, and I’d like to try it. larrysanger.org/2021/01/a…

: Day 3 of CCC. Well today is day 3 of CCC, or #RC3 as they’re calling it. Lots of technical issues. Streams …

: If anyone wins anything Tuesday, I want it to be the LP candidate. LP = libertarian party.

: I got to go to church for the first time in a long time today. It went well overall. Unfortunately …

: My caregiver made epic potato soup today. She just left here. I actually gave her a recipe for this, …

: Well, maybe I should get back to posting here. I had a headache over the weekend. I stopped using …

: .The hosted version of Miniflux that I was using got fixed, but they’re now archiving unread …

: We never had to leave or evacuate because of the fires thankfully! I’ve been busy with the …

: Well blah Miniflux is down right now. OK it isn’t like my host is down. I use the paid version …

: Today the extradition hearing got postponed because one of the prosecutor’s husbands is having …

: I’m requesting everyone’s prayers. Our state is burning from wildfires. My county is on …

: I’m looking for Miniflux hosting that I can afford. All the hosts that I’ve looked at …

: I’ve had a couple strange email contacts recently. Apparently, these people just expected me …

: I have a lot of friends and family that really don’t understand RSS. Hopefully this will …

: What is it with Steemit-like so-called “blog platforms” not providing RSS feeds? It …

: I have to go have labs done tomorrow morning. My doctor’s office called me today to tell me …

: My new caregiver was finally able to start yesterday!! I hadn’t had anyone for a couple weeks …

: Thankfully I don’t have much of a sleep schedule to speak of. This morning was the final …

: I was having problems with Miniflux this morning. For some reason it was giving me lots of errors …

: Wow Pinboard is having major issues with the RSS feeds again. Removing them from Miniflux probably …

: I’m getting a new caregiver soon! A friend’s mom said she’d be willing to work for …

: My second niece Miah was born this morning at 5:06 pacific time. My sister checked into the hospital …

: I talked to my sister via text while I was giving myself a haircut this morning. She’s …

: I actually feel a lot better today. No headache to speak of yay! Waiting for a friend’s mom to …

: I’ve had a pretty bad headache over the last couple days. I was supposed to go to my community …

: I talked to my sister yesterday. Her doctor said she could have the baby any day now! The doctor did …

: My caregiver should be here shortly. i’ve started paying her for her time, instead of relying …

: My caregiver would like to come back to work. However the state has messed up her paycheck royally. …

: I had lots of fun with the LP convention over the weekend. It ended yesterday unfortunately. They …

: 7/9/20. I figured out the issue with the Pinboard feeds. It’s on Pinboards end. Apparently the …

: I’ve been enjoying watching the Libertarian National Convention since like 6 this morning. …

: This was in my email alert today. feeder.co/state-of-… I did complete the survey. A lot of …

: 7/7/2020. Unfortunately I woke up this morning with a pretty bad headache. This means I didn’t do much …

: I added a whole bunch of Pinboard.in tag feeds to Miniflux a couple weeks ago, and now it’s …

: Someone just called and asked if I’m looking for a caregiver. Mine’s still in …

: I really do enjoy fireworks, but when I’m not able to sleep because of them, I don’t …

: Testing Quill, Hmm, this looks interesting. Also trying to figure out how to make titles. I …

: OK so I did get the domain to work to point over here finally yay!Well actually my registrar did it …